Lindsey Lamh

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An Announcement

There’s a new tab on my website…

Introducing: The Portfolio!

This page is a sneak peek into the stories I craft. My goal is for it to act as a taste test for potential readers. It is also the landing page for signing up for my quarterly newsletter.

Subscribers will receive reading material, character sketches, original recipes, maps of my fantasy landscape and comical Celandran history lessons by Professor Monomas. Who knows what all you’ll find? I’ll add stuff as I go. Eventually, I will commission character cosplay photo shoots and post a single image on my website. Newsletter subscribers will have access to view the full shoot. I’m pretty excited about bringing my characters to life for you!

A newsletter is fun to receive, but we’ve all had emails we sign up for and then never actually read. That’s alright. We live under a deluge of information and I am a supporter of healthy boundaries on technology. If you sign up, don’t feel bad if you don’t read my content. Instead, think of subscribing to my newsletter as a motivational investment into the books I’m writing.

Just like Renaissance artists needed patrons to fund their works of art, creatives in this digital age of like buttons and follower counts need a patronizing audience. I need a list of people backing me, not only for the moments where I feel discouraged about my progress toward publication, but also for the moments where I need to get my butt off the couch and into my desk chair. My subscribers may not pay me actual dollars to put in my hours as a writer, but their digital presence can be just as powerful, if not more so.

If you read the Story Snippets on my portfolio page and think, “I would read a book by this person,” then go ahead and put your name on my list. In fact, tell all your fiction-loving friends to put their names on my list. Especially the friends who go in for fantasy and romance. In this small way, you will add a significant amount of value to the world, just by being an active part instead of merely a passive consumer. That’s what a patron does.

You might find yourself full of eager expectation for August 1st, November 1st, February 1st, and May 1st—because that’s when you’ll find my content, made just for you, showing up in your inbox.