Lindsey Lamh

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Back Home Again

Just got back from vacation.

Those things are weird, right? Uproot and lug half your stuff across hundreds of miles, then neglect to wear half the clothes you brought… realize you forgot your toothbrush, then buy a second one that is pointless once you’ve returned home. Why do we do this to ourselves?

I don’t know about you, but vacations ceased to be relaxing, rejuvenating or “a break” from real life some time ago. Five kids ago, actually. But I still like going on vacation. Even when it’s a water-themed vacation in muggy Missouri (my favorite terrain is woodlands, favorite activity is cooking over a campfire).

We rented a house and stayed with my side of the family, all of whom are grown, and some are married. I hope our kids never forget this last week, despite the fact that the majority of them are 6 and under. There was tubing and swimming, fishing and floating-too-far-out-in-a-kayak. We walked in the mountains and saw young, velvet-antlered deer and one double-tailed skink lizard. After the kids went to bed, there was the hot tub and board games for the adults. Everybody took turns making dinner and the food was amazing.

It was an iconic family reunion. I’m proud of my siblings. They’re all well-adjusted people who have goals and aspirations, even if they’re still figuring things out. Each of us has gone through our own growing pains over the years. But for the first time, it felt like we “kids” had come into our own, feeling comfortable in our own skin, free to relate to one another with mutual respect despite our differences.

I’m thankful I get to be part of this family. They know me well. Our shared memories include my early, awkward stages and (later) obsessive, hyper-critical stage. My mom and sister have sent me back to the bedroom to change out of stripes on top of polka dots. The whole family listened to hours upon hours of me banging out piano solos to the click-clack of my metronome. My siblings were cajoled into making movies with me, sometimes willingly, sometimes not.

Anyway, now that I’m back home and the school year is still out there on the horizon, I’ll be turning back to my writing. I’ve got some exciting things underway, like the newsletter content and my gothic fantasy WIP. If you’ve already subscribed, please consider sharing my website with your friends who read. I appreciate it!