2023: Year End Review

After accomplishing my goals for this year, it’s time to plan for next year. I really love this changing of the seasons which entails turning my creative attention from one focal path toward a new one. There’s always so much potential for growth. Not only growth of writing skill, but also the amount of content I have to offer my readers.

Outside of the writing sphere, I have lots of big life changes coming. We’re expecting the arrival of a new baby boy mid-spring next year and that is an exciting season which comes with many of its own challenges. I am planning around the likelihood that I will have an extremely limited amount of energy and time for creativity.

So, here’s 2022 in a nutshell:

— 14 blog posts

— Wrote ~68k words

— Published A Voracious Grief

— 550 email subscribers

— Guested on 4 podcasts (some release after the new year)

— Read 22ish books

And here are my goals for the new year:

— Read a fantasy novel each month and post a review blog post

— Continue the quarterly newsletter with bonus content from Celandra

— Podcast guesting

— Workshops & Author talks, as opportunities come along

— Write scenes for The Waking when possible

The purpose of the activities I’ve chosen is engagement with my email subscribers and readers. I won’t be publishing anything in the near-term future, and it is difficult for artists in our fast-paced, short-attention-span culture to remain on the proverbial radar without pumping out product on a regular basis. I don’t want to “disappear” for a time and then suddenly pop back into people’s emails with — “I wrote another book!” To keep the conversation going, I hope to continue offering quality content through the workshops, podcasts, and bonus content I’ll be able to share both in person and on this site. My main goal is to get to know the readers who are connected with me through A Voracious Grief as well as introduce myself to new subscribers who are interested in the behind-the-scenes journey of The Waking as it slowly evolves into a book.

There may or may not be an audiobook for A Voracious Grief coming down the pipeline as well. I’ll keep you posted on that project as plans firm up.

Cheers! and Merry Christmas to all ~



Lamh Books Themes: Healing


Lamh Books Themes: Friendship